Metal Album: Brutal Mixing
We love when bands come through our doors, and we love when bands come from far away lands to record with us, so we were super excited getting to record and produce Korean metal band Erlang Kovata’s debut album.
It was an epic week long recording session. We started off the first night recording Mike on drums and he killed it. The guy has the chops of a drumline general. Double-kicks were blazing, and I think he went through the snare all the way back to Korea. I think we had something like 12 microphones on him, we used it all from Shure to AKG to Neumann to Rode.
Day two and three we dealt with editing drums and getting Malik to lay down his super deep bass. Literally, it was tuned lower than I knew a bass could go. We decided to go with recording it direct input through the Joe Meek VC1Q preamp channel strip and reamp it later.

Day four and Five brought us to J.P. on his axe and crazy pedal board rig. With the guitar, our initial thought was also to go direct input so we could edit and then apply effects, but we decided to get proper old school metal with it, so JP set up his insane pedalboard chain and went through the Marshal guitar stack. We miked it with a Shure Sm57 and a Sterling ST31 for maximum metal, and I was happy we did. After we were all done tracking the instruments it was time to record the musical screaming. Not only did the whole band lend their vocal talents to the production of this record, but they even let us (Roman and Jay) scream some backup vocals on the record, definitely a first for us! Our favorite vocal experience of the album was definitely the track ‘Troll’ which I can’t wait for you guys to hear, it’s good fun mythical metal.
The last few days of having the band in town were spent getting the mixes ready to a place where we could work even after they left. It was a great experience working with Erlang for that fateful week, and can’t wait to finish mixing this album for them!