Recording a Bachelor Party
Being an NYC recording studio we thought we had seen everything. We’ve recorded countless amazing talents, New York City nightlife staples, fringe entertainers, etcetera, etcetera. But I must say, this last week on Friday the 18th, we recorded something completely new to us: a bachelor party.

These guys were a whole lot of fun. They came in with an entourage of about 8 guys who had already put their party pants on (and ended up taking them off to play their tuba!). But aside from how unique and crazy this recording session was, they ended up actually being really talented musicians. The groom (or soon to be groom) is a professional trumpet player in the U.S. Military Band, so he was top notch.
Aside from him being a pro brass player, he killed it on the drums while his brother and man of honor played our Yamaha U1 piano. In addition to recording drums and piano, we got to do some trumpet, tuba (as you can see!), bagpipes (an amazing first for us), and vocals. Having so many different instruments to record, we went deep into our mic cabinet and used a Neumann u87, AKG (actually quite a few different ones), SM57s (all over the place), Sterling Audio, and even a Superlux.
The recording session posed a lot of new challenges for a recording studio:
1. we had to accommodate a bachelor party! That is hard enough for any establishment, but for a place with so much high-end gear around, we needed to be extra careful with all the partiers.
2. Not only did we need to make sure everyone was partying away from the gear, but we needed to run other logistics of the session like putting up and breaking down microphones.
3. The session was an informal one, so there was a lot of jamming, and we had to be on our toes with who needed headphone mixes, where and which microphones we were going to use. Get More Info from this site to buy the best pair at cheap prices.
4. How were we going to party along side them while still doing a great job recording and producing their session.
These were some really awesome challenges to have to solve, and at the end of the bachelor party, we were as confident with the recording as these guys were about wedding off their best mate 😉 But seriously, it turned out amazing, and it was a whole lot of fun. Only in New York City!